OK, excuse the corny title. I received a lot of emails from visitors to the website as well as Facebook messages this past week (all very much appreciated!) and wanted to share a few highlights: DC-3 N28AA Ron Alexander, owner of DC-3 N28AA, sent in these fantastic photos of his aircraft. Ron wrote: "These were taken at the Triple Tree fly-in in South Carolina. Taken from a control tower. I can’t think of the person’s name who took them. I believe it was Jim Boyd." The last photo is credited to Scott Thomason. Former Delta hangars at Lenora Paul Talbott, a Delta retiree and volunteer in the Delta archives since the 1970s, wrote in regards to former ATL hangars at Lenora Airport in Gwinnett County, GA. Paul is also one of 3 retirees who operate the 737 full motion simulator in the Delta Flight Museum. "Enjoyed looking at your web site, especially the images of the old Delta hangars. To answer your question about the last hangar with no walls and the windsock (color photo below), I don't believe this was ever used by Delta during WWII for military mod work. I volunteer in the Delta archives and have seen quite a few photos of the old hangars behind the G.O where the work was done, but have never seen this hangar used for mod work. I have attached a rather poor image of a Delta hangar in Atlanta that was in use sometime during the period of 1935-42, when we operated the Lockheed Model 10 Electra. Could this possibly be the same hangar??" Here's the photo (sent in by Robert Brown) that Paul was referring to. Paul Talbott also sent in this information: The 1938 aerial image of the Blevins hangar (on this page and re-posted below) shows 4 planes on the ramp. The biplane between the two Taylor model J-2 Cubs is a Waco model GXE. Key West, 1989 Andy Rodriguez, who is largely responsible for the Comair page, sent in this photo of an Eastern Express / Bar Harbor Beech 1900 at Key West in 1989. Andy wrote: "I recently came across this photo I had of when my Army Reserve unit sent me for weekend training in Key West. It’s a Beech 1900, we used to fly MCO-MIA-EYW, and in Miami sometimes it was either a Beech 1900, a Jetstream 31 or a DC-3. Good times!" Thanks again to everyone who wrote this week! I may turn this into a weekly post.
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